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Who swallowed leather industry profits?
Publish:Shenzhen XinKaiShi Jewelry co., LTD.    Time:2014-07-14

Indeed, leather industry profit growth lagged concern ", secretary general of the China leather association and vice director of the standing to Sue Chris said: "the decline in margins in warning us that merely content with the industry on the surface of the polish of the situation is not enough, continue to produce low value-added products, share the profits of the state doesn‘t work, we must deeply reflect on the problems existing in the industry, to speed up the guide industry adjust the economic structure, transform the development mode, otherwise, along with the complicated international situation, domestic manufacturing costs rise, environmental protection pressure and the survival condition of leather enterprise will continue to deteriorate. " 

Who ate our profit? Ask the question, not in order to find an answer, but for a more objective understanding and carding industry encountered confusion, and deeply thinking way how to go in the future. 

Eating into profits of one of the culprits: raw material prices soaring enormous impact 

Eating into profits of # 2: labor costs soaring off guard 

Eating into profits of # 3: squeezed environmental requirements and technical trade barriers 

Eating into profits of four: resource costs soared 

Eating into profits of five: the appreciation of the renminbi the impact of foreign trade enterprises 

Eating into profits of six: management cost increase is ignored 

Next:The 10 most popular leather brand  2015/05/11